java - How to not show empty lists in JAXB XML marshalling? -

hi using jaxb (java) marshal xml.

i have xmllist elements size zero.

since constructs actual array list when getter called,

the output displays empty elements like


is there anyway eliminate these "empty" elements?


public void representingnullandemptycollections() throws exception {     jaxbcontext jc = jaxbcontext.newinstance(root.class);      root root = new root();      root.nullcollection = null;      root.emptycollection = new arraylist<string>();// shows empty element      root.populatedcollection = new arraylist<string>();     root.populatedcollection.add("foo");     root.populatedcollection.add("bar");      marshaller marshaller = jc.createmarshaller();     marshaller.setproperty(marshaller.jaxb_formatted_output, true);     marshaller.marshal(root, system.out); } 


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