ruby on rails - How to copy Digital Ocean app folder to local machine? -

i'd copy contents of app folder digital ocean droplet local machine, because i've accidentally removed app local machine , need back.

i've tried following, example,

scp -r root@104.232.321.32:/path-to-app  

which gave me following,

usage: scp [-12346bcpqrv] [-c cipher] [-f ssh_config] [-i identity_file] [-l limit] [-o ssh_option] [-p port] [-s program] [[user@]host1:]file1 ... [[user@]host2:]file2 

how copy app local machine? need set destination scp work, destination can set copys local machine, /user/sites directory?


scp -r root@104.232.321.32:/path-to-app . 

this should copy current directory. do:

scp -r root@104.232.321.32:/path-to-app ~/project 

to copy specific folder.

two tangential observations, way:

  1. stop using digitalocean droplet root. should make own user account on droplet , set ssh authentication.
  2. you should using git keep remote copy of project , local copy in sync, not scp (granted, may strange case, making sure you're aware).


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