javascript - Download external file in background PHP? -

i have 3 weeks looking this:

i have page have download file after verifying data given user. validation , execute external script gives me url. , use url download file i'm gonna execute later.

i'd tried download file curl, wget, file_put_content, javascript, ajax , jquery no luck, file 150mb+ created nice progress bar tell user how download going , have method read downloaded size.

i fact i'm able download file curl, problem "do_form.php" won't load until file downloaded, want load page first, download file - in background -, can show user progress of download.

please tell me possible... thanks!!

have @ gearman. maybe gearman background job fits needs. job can run on same machine web server. of course response page has disadvantage contains no success information. need poll information using ajax again.

if decide so, should have @ gearmanmanager eases things lot.


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