
Showing posts from August, 2015

Creating a view between two tables in SQL -

i'm having trouble creating view between 2 tables, i'm quite new sql. need create view show employees have carried out work consultants within past 14 days. result of view should display kind of layout: 14 day consultancy report ----------------------------------------------- employee helvin paul worked 6 hours factory ltd chargeable £351 the 2 tables assume need join employee table , consultancy table. show both below have them in text file when creating these tables: create table funtom_employee ( emp_id number(3) primary key, emp_firstname varchar2(50) not null, emp_surname varchar2(50), emp_department number(2) constraint fk_funtom_dept references funtom_department, emp_street varchar2(50), emp_town varchar2(50), emp_district varchar2(50), emp_grade number(3) default 4 constraint chk_emp_grd check (emp_grade between 1 , 9), emp_site varchar2(30) default 'london', constraint fk_funt

java - Android inflate two layouts in recycler view adapter -

i trying inflate 2 different layouts in 1 recycler view. here adapter code. import; import android.view.layoutinflater; import android.view.view; import android.view.viewgroup; import android.widget.textview; import java.util.arraylist; public class homeadapter extends recyclerview.adapter<recyclerview.viewholder> { private arraylist<myhome> homedata; private static final int type_featured = 1; private static final int type_other = 2; public homeadapter(arraylist<myhome> mydataset) { this.homedata = mydataset; } public class featuredviewholder extends recyclerview.viewholder { public textview title; public textview author; public featuredviewholder(view itemview) { super(itemview); this.title = (textview)itemview.findviewbyid(; = (textview)itemview.findviewbyid(; } } public class othervidviewholder extends recyclerview.viewholder {

jquery - Getting td value returns undefined -

i trying access td value of row above context. able row above prev() method , children children() method, when append find() selector onto that, unable find particular cell looking for. when log return children() see table data have in there. why cant find id? see code below. $("#tblproducts tbody").on("click", "#btnsubmitupdate", function (e) { var btnsaveupdate = $(this); var tr = btnsaveupdate.closest("tr"); var trabove = $(tr.prev()[0]); var desc = trabove.children().find("#tddescription").val(); //desc returning undefined console.log(desc); }); i needed use find() directly trabove without using children. solved issue

uinavigationcontroller - navigationController!.pushViewController vs. presentViewController in iOS Swift -

what implications of pushing viewcontroller in uinavigation vs. presenting viewcontroller modally in terms of changing values in next view? for example, why first work not second? first: var textcontroller: textviewcontroller textcontroller = self.storyboard!.instantiateviewcontrollerwithidentifier("textviewcontroller") as! textviewcontroller presentviewcontroller(textcontroller, animated: false, completion: nil) textcontroller.textdetail.text = categories[indexpath.row] second: var textcontroller: textviewcontroller textcontroller = self.storyboard!.instantiateviewcontrollerwithidentifier("textviewcontroller") as! textviewcontroller self.navigationcontroller!.pushviewcontroller(textcontroller,animated:true) textcontroller.textdetail.text = categories[indexpath.row] i can't label's value change when pushing in navigation stack. it appears though when calling presentviewcontroller method, view of view controller loaded during call, w

c# - Adding and using a console application to a windows form project -

i have windows form application picks bunch of random numbers , displays them. have edited 'matrix effect' console application serve kind of animation picking numbers. have added console application random number picking project how use it? instead of using textbox.text have input console.readline , display message have write console.writeline . simple thing different in console application otherwise else same , logics don't need changed :) using system.runtime.interopservices; private void form1_load(object sender, eventargs e) { allocconsole(); } [dllimport("kernel32.dll", setlasterror = true)] [return: marshalas(unmanagedtype.bool)] static extern bool allocconsole(); i think should work if yes please rate answer :)

building - Xamarin.New blank Cross-platform App(Native Portable) can't start running -

i have created new cross-platform blank app(native portable), app not running. i got output message: android application debugging. application not started. ensure application has been installed target device , has launchable activity (mainlauncher = true). additionally, check build->configuration manager ensure project set deploy configuration i'm sure mainlauncher set true , project set deploy. i've installed android sdk platform api level 17,19 , 23. application setup: xamarin version: could please give me solution resolve problem? thanks! i not reproduce problem. minor problems in xamarin can solved cleaning , rebuilding whole solution.

html - Error in Adobe Brackets -

all of html , css files can edited , viewed in adobe brackets until day ago when got following error when clicking on file titled portfolio.html , portfolio.css know how can fix this? (an error occurred when trying open(filename.html) brackets supports utf-8 encoded text files. use information possible. try "utf8 converter" extension open file > extension manager , search "utf."

python - Pandas read_sql metadata lock -

i using pandas read mysql tables. after read_sql statement table lock on table. below queries, mysql_cn= mysqldb.connect(host='localhost', port=3306,user='root',passwd='mysql', db='db_p001') dfvars = pd.read_sql('select * markeff_5_varlist', con=mysql_cn, chunksize = 10) once run the dfvars dataframe populated, there read lock in mysql. locks persists until mysql restarted. -------------- row operations -------------- 0 queries inside innodb, 0 queries in queue 1 read views open inside innodb main thread process no. 2567, id 140597860407040, state: sleeping number of rows inserted 0, updated 0, deleted 0, read 11494 0.00 inserts/s, 0.00 updates/s, 0.00 deletes/s, 3.31 reads/s ---------------------------- end of innodb monitor output ============================ i appreciate help. thanks,

java - How to make button changes repaint -during- method, not after? -

inside actionperformed method of jbutton, have following code: btnlogin.settext("logging in..."); btnlogin.setpreferredsize(new dimension(110, 29)); btnlogin.setenabled(false); //more stuff here, irrelevant this works, takes visual effect (is repainted) once method complete. if in //more stuff here area have code takes long time complete, effects of btnlogin changes not take effect until code complete. i have tried typing: this.revalidate(); this.repaint(); directly after first 3 lines, , multiple other solutions, try force damn thing repaint during method, no matter what, happens @ end! another thing i've noticed if call joptionpane in middle of method, frame repaint (in background), that's interesting. what is that's automatically happening in end of method need call make happen during method? thanks in advance! you're blocking swing event thread long-running code, , prevents swing drawing text changes. solution: do long-r

how to make Django play well with Angular URL -

in angular 2 app that's served django, how make angular 2 url work django when reloading page? specifically, page served django has url http://localhost:8000/home . page contains 3 tabs , under 1 of angular app. clicking on tab shows angular app, , url changes http://localhost:8000/home/ng_app . if browser refreshed this url , django show 404, makes sense because http://localhost:8000/home/ng_app not present in django app. so how make angular url work? (entering http://localhost:8000/home/ng_app leads angular app instead of 404). thanks! assuming entire app served /home , can use following url pattern: urlpattern('/home/.*$', views.my_angular_homepage) if want redirect route of after can use of standard tricks capture trailing part of url, , $location.path in angularjs app.

Zapier: How to skip a step in multi-step zaps -

i'm looking way skip steps (but not abort zap altogether) in multi-stage zap. example, if 1 of trigger event's values value, doesn't need run step 2 (which might have been creation or deletion step), should continue on step 3. i believe can using code zapier service call separate webhook zapier zap , optionally calling (before one) such webhook if meets criteria. that's incredibly hacky. zapier has support custom filters ( ). you can setup filter based on previous steps says - "only proceed next step of zap if xxx conditions met".

amazon web services - What big data tools or approach to be used -

i have central data store in aws . wanted access multiple tables in database , find patterns , predictions on collection of data. my tables have several transactional data call details,marketing campaign details,contact information of people etc. how integrate data big data analysis find relationship , store them efficiently i confused whether use haddop or not, architecture perfect the easiest way start export tables wish analyze csv file , process using amazon machine learning. the following guide describes entire process:

javascript - Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'getImageData' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': The provided double value is non-finite -

i wrote code data canvas on website: var checkpoints = ["+0,+0","+10,+10","+10,+0","+0,+10","-10,-10","-10,+0","+0,-10","+20,+20","+20,+0","+0,+20","-20,-20","-20,+0","+0,-20","+30,+30","+30,+0","+0,+30","-30,-30","-30,+0","+0,-30","+40,+40","+40,+0","+0,+40","-40,-40","-40,+0","+0,-40","+40,+40","+40,+0","+0,+40","-40,-40","-40,+0","+0,-40"]; var changepoints = ["600,0","-100,400","-100,300","600,580","-100,1000","1000,300","0,0","600,0","-100,400","-100,300","600,580","-100,1000","1000,300","0,0","600,0","-100,400",&

Stopping Angularjs from executing next line -

how tell angular stop process next lines when meet condition in if below. code if(!$scope.add.partcode){ var alertpopup = $ionicpopup.alert({ title: 'kartu stok ...', template: 'silakan pilih part code terlebih dahulu.' }); $ionicloading.hide(); }else { var partcode = $scope.add.partcode.part_no; } ... ... ...

jquery - ASP.NET Radio button value reset after submit form -

i have app , using jquery toggle enablement of fields. here's rough diagram of ui: __ checkbox1 o radio1 o radio2 text1 text2 when checkbox1 checked, enable radio1 , radio2. when radio2 selected, enable text1 , text2. what happening in case after user checks checkbox, , radio buttons enabled, if user selects radio2 , submits form, selection automatically goes radio1. this problem not occur if don't dynamically enable radio buttons using jquery. wondering if how radio buttons enabled doesn't play nicely how works radio buttons. when checkbox value changes, call following helper method in code. since add around disabled radio button, make sure turn off disabled flag on both span , input. function setradioenabled(id, enabled) { var radio = jquery(id); var parentspan = radio.parent(); if (enabled) { parentspan.removeattr('disabled'); radio.removeattr('disabled'); } else { ra

html - JavaScript match selected text with div id -

i trying show , hide div based on selected text in drop down list. option in drop-down list generated getting id class name. thought of using looping of array in javascript unsure how so. sorry may sound unclear of wanted lost , unsure how them. my codes: javascript: var elements = document.body.getelementsbyclassname("headline-bar"); window.onload = function() { var year = document.getelementbyid("year"); (i=0;i<elements.length;i++) { var entry = document.createelement("option"); entry.text = elements[i].textcontent; year.add(entry ,null); } } html: <form> <select id="year"> <option>all</option> </select> <input type="submit" value="submit"> </form> <form action="#" id="release_year" method="post" > <div class="release_holder" id="2015" style="margin-bottom: 2

java - How to draw rectangles from a JList Selection -

i'm looking regarding java program i'm writing. need display simple bar graph consisting of rectangles based off of data saved in array has been generated jlist selection event. however, nothing drawn in jpanel , cannot figure out how fix it. list selection event (for reference) try { bufferedreader in = new bufferedreader((new filereader("scores.txt"))); string sline; while ((sline = in.readline()) != null) { vecathlete.addelement(new stage3_datafile(sline)); } string[] saathlete = new string[vecathlete.size()]; (int ii = 0; ii < vecathlete.size(); ii++) saathlete[ii] = vecathlete.get(ii).sname; jlist_athlete.setlistdata(saathlete); jlist_athlete.setselectedindex(0); // reading input line line // close file in.close(); } catch (ioexception e) { system.out.println("error: not read text file!"); } jlist_athlete.addlistselectionlistener(new javax.swing.event.listselectionlistener() { public void valuechanged(javax.swing.even

javascript - Node js aggregation and findone concept -

i need find history of person1 in gethistory module have filtered deals in person1's dealschema , in acceptreject function have used aggregation concept filter deals have person1's _d in accepted field. callback function acceptreject not fetch result results in []..anyone please findout mistake have done in code..thanks in advance var acceptreject = function (userid, callback){//callback function finding accepted deal console.log("aggregate:" +userid); if(userid == null && userid == 'undefined'){ console.log("error fetching id"); res.send(new response.respondwithdata('failed','invalid userid')); return next(); } user.aggregate([ { $unwind: "$deals" }, { "$match": { "deals.accepted": userid //"deals.rejected": id } }, { $project:{ "shopname":"$deals.shopname", "deal":"$", &q

php - Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF -

there's error saying "cannot insert explicit value identity column in table when identity_insert set off." possible solution problem? using sql server 2014 , php <style> th{text-align: right; border-style: none;} td{ width: 10%; } table{border-spacing:15px; width:20%;} .button { background-color: black; border: none; color: white; padding: 15px 32px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; font-size: 16px; margin: 4px 2px; cursor: hand; border-radius:12px; } .button:hover{ background-color: grey; color: black; } input[type=number]{ width:200px; } input[type=date]{ width: 200px; } input[type=number]::-webkit-inner-spin-button, input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button { -webkit-appearance: none; margin: 0; } </style> <center> <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/for

html - How does twitter bootstrap work internally -

i have basic understanding of css , html , better of scripting languages javascript , php ... trying dive bootstrap framework. documentation great, problems without creating pages, works pretty well. but hate doing without understanding how work under hood internally. i understand css3 used browser specific features, cannot leave is, want better understanding of bootstrap. , how can implement same without using bootstrap.css . i know best way read bootstrap.css maybe has link article or other resource explaining how stuff works , how achieved , can implement without bootstrap. thanks. the best way still reading bootstrap.css file. don't have read top bottom. pick sample web page made in bootstrap. see classes used where. bootstrap classes intuitive. probable you'll see classes like, .row , .col-sm-4 , navbar , .container , .container-fluid etc. next step search particular class in bottstrap.css. e.g. searching .col- you'll see there 12 differe

c - What is the relation between fopen and open? -

i working on project class , given .c file containing following code: int fd = -1; if (fd < 0) { fd = open ("my_dev", o_rdwr); if (fd < 0) { perror ("open"); return -1; } ... so understand trying open file "my_dev" read/write permissions, , returning file descriptor on success or negative value on failure, dont understand why giving me "permission denied" consistently. tried use code: int des = open("my_dev", o_creat | o_rdwr, 0777); ... close(des) to open/create file (this called before other block), not work, , yet if use instead: file* file = fopen("my_dev","w+"); fprintf(file,str); fclose(file); i can write file, meaning have write permissions. normally, use fopen , fprintf everything, project, sort of have use teacher's .c file going try use open() which going give "permission denied" error in turn going screw code. i guess question how fopen , open rela

swift - How do I prevent a video from going full screen when embedded using HTML5 and UIWebView? -

i embedding video application using uiwebview. desired behavior video not go full screen when user presses play. attempting achieve using let htmlstring = "<iframe " + "src=\"\" " + "width=\"\(width-20)\" height=\"\(height-20)\" " + "webkit-playsinline>" + "</iframe>" webview.scrollview.scrollenabled = false webview.allowsinlinemediaplayback = true webview.mediaplaybackrequiresuseraction = false webview.loadhtmlstring(htmlstring, baseurl: nsbundle.mainbundle().bundleurl) since streamable link, "logo=0" removes streamable logo. autoplay desired , working fine; code playing video "inline" not working. have looked on ios reference uiwebview , additional requirement setting webview.allowsinlinemediaplayback = true have add "webkit-playsinline" html string. i don

continuous integration - Bamboo 'request stop agent' takes too long -

i'm using bamboo server 5.9.0 build 5914. wish configure how long take make agent go offline. configured bamboo remote agent this: once request agent stop via bamboo server, shuts down in 90 seconds configured. problem is, bamboo server still waits 10minutes before declares agent offline. configure bamboo server check offline agents sooner don't have wait long, since agent offline anyway. there way how achieve please? thank you matthew

background color - Bitmap in -

i used code showing text on map : bitmap=null; bitmap= androidgraphicfactory.converttobitmap(textasbitmap(string.valueof(vehiclecode1), 45,; bitmap.setbackgroundcolor(color.yellow); if remove line: bitmap.setbackgroundcolor(color.yellow); on map see text want yellow background under text, when add line: bitmap.setbackgroundcolor(color.yellow); i see yellow rectangle on map. want yellow rectangle text. should do? in advance maybe setting color before initalizing text. (u know, maybe app applying text , after tht overlaying color)

wso2esb - How to read request parameter values in wso2 esb script mediator -

i need catch url parameters parsing in request script mediator. uses wso2 esb 4.8.1. , tried following js code. gives error saying window not defined. function geturlvars() { var vars = {}; var parts = window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m,key,value) { vars[key] = value; }); return vars; } var requestnew="<m:viw xmlns:m=\"wom\"> <m:request> <requestheader> <remoteip>dummyip</remoteip> <appname>dummyappname</appname> <apppassword>dummypassword</apppassword> <username>dummyusername</username> </requestheader> <orderid>23</orderid> <accountno>23</accountno> <cir>23</cir>

java - ClassCastException of StructDescriptor on websphere but not on tomcat -

my application working fine on local tomcat server. later deployed in websphere making war file. after deployment, whenever try make call stored procedure using structdescriptor follows, getting classcastexception. following code segment: structdescriptor projecttypedesc = structdescriptor.createdescriptor( "fra_data.region_type", st.getconnection()); struct[] structs = new struct[filterdto.getregion().size()]; (int = 0; < filterdto.getregion().size(); ++i) { int str = (int) filterdto.getregion().get(i).intvalue(); object[] objects = new object[] { str }; struct struct = new struct(projecttypedesc, st.getconnection(), objects); structs[i] = struct; } arraydescriptor arraydescriptor = arraydescriptor.createdescriptor( "fra_data.regions", st.getconnection()); arraylist.add(new array(arraydescriptor, st.getconnection(), structs)); and error thrown : java.lang.classcastexception:

c# - Showing progress of async method that is downloading data from a WCF service -

i'm trying show progress of method loading data wcf service wpf application. i have 1500 lines of data in table want load datagrid, takes quite while load data , want show user progress of download know how long it's going take. here coding far: this method load data wcf service private async task updatestockasync() { using (truckserviceclient service = new truckserviceclient()) { var allstock = await service.getsysprostockasync(); dgsysprostock.itemssource = => new allstock { id =, ... materialthickness = x.materialthickness }).toarray(); } } here call updatestockasync method window loaded event private void sysprostock_loaded(object sender, routedeventargs e) { => updatestockasync()); } how possible show status of the download in progressbar?

java - How to save chart from excel as image/PDF? -

i want extract/read chart (bar graph/ pie chart etc.) .xlsx file using apache poi , java , save image or pdf on hard drive. is possible? if yes, how? thank you! after investigation, apparently can see not possible extract charts excel using apache poi , save image or pdf. the approach 1 can take in situation use com based solution using com4j ( ) convert excel pdf , use apache pdfbox ( ) convert pdf image . giving below brief details how use com4j convert excel pdf programmatically: generate java classes artifacts excel following command: java -jar tlbimp-2.1.jar -o wsh -p com.mycompany.excel4j "c:\program files (x86)\microsoft office\office14\excel.exe" we need 3 jars above conversion: com4j-2.1.jar , tlbimp-2.1.jar , args4j-2.0.8.jar we may download corresponding jars - for more information, refer: http://com4j.

php - MySQL need sub select or temporary table -

i have 2 tables. first table - products products_id | quantity 1001,1 1002,2 1003,5 1004,4 second table - products_catalog products_catalog_id | products_id | partner_channel |active_status 1,1001,amazon,0 2,1001,ebay,0 3,1001,zalando,1 4,1002,amazon,1 5,1002,ebay,0 6,1003,amazon,1 7,1003,ebay,1 8,1003,zalando,1 9,1004,amazon,0 10,1004,ebay,0 11,1004,zalando,0 i want have result of products id condition if product not active in partner channel (active_status = 0) using filter this: select p.products_id, pc.partner_channel, pc.active_status products p left join products_catalog pc on pc.products_id=p.products_id pc.active_status='0' group p.products_id order p.products_id; where active_status = 0, result this: products_id | partner_channel | active_status 1001,amazon,0 1002,ebay,0 1004,amazon,0 i want have result table products this: products_id | partner_channel | active_status 1004,amazon,0 because in partner_channel product id (

Playframework Scala Async controller for JSON request -

i trying write async playframework controller receives post request , creates new object in database: def register = action(bodyparsers.parse.json) { request => val businessinforesult = request.body.validate[businessinfo] businessinforesult.fold(errors =>{ badrequest(json.obj("status"-> "error", "message"->jserror.tojson(errors))) //error on line }, businessinfo=> { //save object ok(json.obj("status" ->"ok", "message" -> ("place '"+ businessinfo.businessname +"' saved.") )) //error on line }) } however, keeps throwing error below: reference json ambiguous; imported twice in same scope import play.libs.json , import play.mvc.bodyparser.json asynccontroller.scala the errors thrown @ line 108 , 105 correspond lines commented //error on line above (lines badrequest(..) , ok(..)) how fix issue? can using new jsvalue(map(..)) wo

unit testing - Laravel 5/Faker - Factory data changes -

been using faker in combination sqlite in-memory database testing in laravel lately , have strange issue model has factory , except first variable (which happens primary key of table) gets set correctly. let's explain further, variable i'm pointing @ uses following rule in factory: 'kvk' => strval($faker->randomnumber(9)), so should become string containing 9 digit number. next step calling factory controller test , have user model uses 'kvk' variable company foreign key reference: $this->_company = factory(company::class)->create([ 'address_id' => $this->_address->id ]); $this->_user = factory(user::class)->create([ 'kvk' => $this->_company->kvk ]); but when put echo $this->_company->kvk; in between, shows me 'kvk set 1, should not possible because of rule put in factory. finally user used mock session in test , used check wether should have rights edit address using following check

jquery - Kendo grid : Slow performance issue -

the issue slow performance in kendo grid, when trying load 1000+ records grid takes 8 seconds load. can see controller returns json data in 3 seconds , kendo grid takes time populate. i have pagesize of 500 records , used datasourcerequest, data each page returned controller. still no joy. can please advice me how can improve grid performance. please find code below @(html.kendo().grid<model>() .name("kendotestgrid") .columns(columns => { columns.bound(p => p.column5) .width("18%") .clienttemplate("#= formatresult(format(column5, '')) #") .editortemplatename("column5") .clientfootertemplate("<span href='\\#' id='total'>total : </span>"); columns.bound(p => p.column6) .editortemplatename("column6") .clienttemplate("#= format(column6, '') #")

how to use xlsx and xsd file in drools 6.3.0 kie workbench -

i have xlsx file, i have created xlsx file using new item-> decision table(spread sheet) option. have uploaded file, after getting uploaded msg redirects me upload page i not getting how use xlsx file creating decision table. same happening me xsd file also. newbie drools 6.3.0. can please suggest me how use these file in drools kie workbench. i not getting convert option, after uploading xlsx file. have build project. if correctly formatted, xlsx file decision table. you'd create in libreoffice or similar tool. if upload workbench, rules activated during execution. possible design decision table in libreoffice, upload workbench , convert "guided decision table" - allow make further changes decision table directly in workbench. see screenshot:

authentication - user auth Laravel 5.2 -

in project need protect views. create router group: route::group(['middleware' => ['auth']], function (){ //spot route::get('administrator/spot-new', 'spotcontroller@create'); route::post('administrator/spot-new', 'spotcontroller@store'); } in spot controller: public function __construct() { $this->middleware('auth'); } but when try access spot view can't see login page. have error: sorry, page looking not found. laravel 5.2 have added middleware groups. web middleware group responsible start session / encrypt cookies / verify csrf token etc.. see below protected $middlewaregroups = [ 'web' => [ \app\http\middleware\encryptcookies::class, \illuminate\cookie\middleware\addqueuedcookiestoresponse::class, \illuminate\session\middleware\startsession::class, \illuminate\view\middleware

java - handle a dynamically changing element and a scroll bar -

this screen shot of webpage here html code <div class="slimscrolldiv" style="position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: auto; height: 350px;"><div class="scroller" style="height: 350px; overflow: hidden; width: auto;" data-always-visible="1" data-rail-visible1="0" data-handle-color="#d7dce2"> <div class="tsk-row clearfix"> <div class="tsk-left"> <a href="/worktask/update/776eab95-d7ea-4b5d-9c58-1c736e071895">new task check new build of 2016.4.18.1 </a> </div> <a href="/worktask/index/45d76b1d-f665-4e29-b22f-5c9cd335a957">test</a> <div class=&qu