c# - Showing progress of async method that is downloading data from a WCF service -

i'm trying show progress of method loading data wcf service wpf application.

i have 1500 lines of data in table want load datagrid, takes quite while load data , want show user progress of download know how long it's going take.

here coding far:

this method load data wcf service

private async task updatestockasync() {     using (truckserviceclient service = new truckserviceclient())     {         var allstock = await service.getsysprostockasync();         dgsysprostock.itemssource = allstock.select(x =>         new allstock         {             id = x.id,             ...             materialthickness = x.materialthickness         }).toarray();     } } 

here call updatestockasync method window loaded event

    private void sysprostock_loaded(object sender, routedeventargs e)     {         task.run(() => updatestockasync());     } 

how possible show status of the download in progressbar?


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