javascript - Rails 4 - jQuery to hide initially, then toggle with click -

im having trouble resolving conflicts between jquery , javascript.

one of javascript conflicts comes trying use dependent-fields gem. see outline of problem here: rails - conflicts between jquery , javascript

instead of trying solve problem, i'm trying figure out how make jquery code directly manipulates forms hide , show data in way gem serves (or intended do).

i have made file in app/assets/javascripts called: has:

$(document).ready(function() {     $("#check_project_milestones").hide() }); 

im not expecting toggle part, hoping might work hide content in check_project_milestones tag. doesnt.

in projects form, have:

<%= f.input :has_milestones, as: :boolean, boolean_style: :inline, :label => 'does research project have identifiable milestones or decision points?', id: 'check_project_milestones' %>                          <%= content_tag :div, data: {'checkbox-id': 'check_project_milestones', 'checkbox-value': 'true' } %>                              <div class="intpol2">                               milestones                             </div>                             <%= f.simple_fields_for :milestones |f| %>                                <%= render 'milestones/milestone_fields', f: f %>                             <% end %>                         <% end %>                         <div class="row">                          <div class="col-md-6">                             <%= link_to_add_association 'add milestone', f, :milestones, partial: 'milestones/milestone_fields' %>                          </div>                       </div>   

my objective first question hidden. when first question checkbox ticked, remainder visible. if box subsequently unticked, reverts being hidden.

can see i've done wrong?


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