To Speed up the Digital signing process in multithread appliaction in WPF c# -

here code:

            int threadcount = filteredviewtable.count;             int chunksize = threadcount + 1;             int lastbatch = 0;             int batchcount = 0;             if (threadcount > chunksize)             {                 batchcount = threadcount / chunksize;                 lastbatch = threadcount % chunksize;             }             else                 lastbatch = threadcount;              if (lastbatch > 0)                 batchcount++;              int endthread = 0;             int counter = 0;             while (counter < batchcount)             {                 int startpos = counter == 0 ? 0 : (endthread * counter);                 counter++;                  if (counter == batchcount && lastbatch != 0)                     endthread = lastbatch;                 else                     endthread = chunksize;                  int endpos = endthread;                  observablecollection<manualsendingdata> dttempfiltereddata = new observablecollection<manualsendingdata>();                 mnthreadcount = 1;                 int32 lnrowcount = 0;                 decimal rowsperthread = 0;                 array.resize(ref moprocessfilesthreads, mnthreadcount);                  array.resize(ref modatatables, mnthreadcount);                 array.resize(ref moemailthreadserrors, mnthreadcount);                 array.resize(ref mcthreadserrors, mnthreadcount);                 array.resize(ref mnmailcount, mnthreadcount);                  rowsperthread = math.round(convert.todecimal(endthread / globalstatic.gcthreads), 0);                 list<manualsendingdata> lo = filteredviewtable.skip(startpos).take(endthread).tolist();                   foreach (manualsendingdata drrow in lo)                 {                     lnrowcount += 1;                     momaindatatable.where(item => item.clientcode == drrow.clientcode).tolist().foreach((dataitem) =>                     {                         dttempfiltereddata.add(dataitem);                     });                     if (lnrowcount == rowsperthread)                     {                         array.resize(ref moprocessfilesthreads, mnthreadcount);                         array.resize(ref modatatables, mnthreadcount);                         array.resize(ref moemailthreadserrors, mnthreadcount);                         array.resize(ref mcthreadserrors, mnthreadcount);                         array.resize(ref mnmailcount, mnthreadcount);                         modatatables[mnthreadcount - 1] = new observablecollection<manualsendingdata>();                         modatatables[mnthreadcount - 1] = new observablecollection<manualsendingdata>(dttempfiltereddata);                         mnmailcount[mnthreadcount - 1] = convert.toint32(dttempfiltereddata.count);                         moprocessfilesthreads[mnthreadcount - 1] = new thread(new parameterizedthreadstart(processfiles));                         moprocessfilesthreads[mnthreadcount - 1].name = (mnthreadcount - 1).tostring();                         moprocessfilesthreads[mnthreadcount - 1].start((object)dttempfiltereddata);                         lnrowcount = 0;                         mnthreadcount += 1;                         dttempfiltereddata = new observablecollection<manualsendingdata>();                     }                 }                 list<int> completedthreads = new list<int>();                 int intablecount = 0;                 int inrowcount = 0;              } 

here carrying out signing process in "processfiles" method

previously used use ".pfx" file sign pdf/html files in 30 minutes. forced use certificate located on e-token (attached usb port), same process takes approx. 6 hours.

i working on wpf/c# application

for html signing have used chilkat. pdf signing have used itextsharp

any suggestion speed process?


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