
Showing posts from April, 2012

java - Best strategy to persist ISO8601 -

i have been reading different articles on said question yet unable figure out should best strategy store date in db. i receiving iso8601 date via path-param in rest call. have decided use joda-time parse date. extract utc-0 time out of date , hours offset store utc-0 in datetime datatype in mysql db , store offset in varchar(5) . when have search based on date (an exposed rest api). use search criteria (input date) extract utc-0 time , hours offset , compare 2 columns in db i.e. where table.dateinutc0 = :inputdateinutc0 , table.hoursoffset = :inputhoursoffset i not sure step 4. doing right ? i not sure step 4. doing right ? really, depends on trying do. if want search match if searcher using same timezone original data, doing right. if don't want that, doing wrong. ask this: if enter same date / time in local time zone , utc (or other time zone), mean same thing clients of server? should they?

I'm trying to convert my matlab code to python for an adaptive gaussian quadrature -

matlab code-runs fine function [int, abt]= gadap(a,b,f,p,tol); % a,b: interval endpoints < b % f: function handle f(x, p) integrate (p user parameters) % tol: user-provided tolerance integral accuracy % int: approximation integral % abt: endpoints , approximations a_j=a; b_j=b; j=1; int=0; n=1; abt=[[a_j,b_j,0]]; while j<=n %%%evaluation of t%%% t_j=(b_j-a_j)/2*(5/9*f((b_j-a_j)/2*-1*sqrt(3/5)+(b_j+a_j)/2)+8/9*f((b_j+a_j)/2)+5/9*f((b_j-a_j)/2*sqrt(3/5)+(b_j+a_j)/2)); %%%evaluation of l%%% k=j+1; a_k=a_j; b_k=a_j+(b_j-a_j)/2; l_j=(b_k-a_k)/2*(5/9*f((b_k-a_k)/2*-1*sqrt(3/5)+(b_k+a_k)/2)+8/9*f((b_k+a_k)/2)+5/9*f((b_k-a_k)/2*sqrt(3/5)+(b_k+a_k)/2)); %%%evaluation of r%%% z=j+2; a_z=a_j+(b_j-a_j)/2; b_z=b_j; r_j=(b_z-a_z)/2*(5/9*f((b_z-a_z)/2*-1*sqrt(3/5)+(b_z+a_z)/2)+8/9*f((b_z+a_z)/2)+5/9*f((b_z-a_z)/2*sqrt(3/5)+(b_z+a_z)/2)); %%%list generation%%% if abs(t_j-(l_j+r_j))>tol*max(abs(t_j), (abs(l_j)+abs(r_j)))

java - In Spring Boot Application, annotation based pointcut is not executed -

hi have created spring boot application , trying apply aspect using spring aop. code below ... the custom timer annotation package; @retention(retentionpolicy.runtime) @target({elementtype.method}) public @interface timer { } the timerloggingaspect aspect @aspect @component public class timeloggingaspect { @pointcut("annotation(") public void loggingpointcutdefinition(){} @around("loggingpointcutdefinition()") public void useradvice(proceedingjoinpoint joinpoint) throws throwable{ createjsonstring(joinpoint); joinpoint.proceed(); } private string createjsonstring(proceedingjoinpoint joinpoint) { //logic creating , printing json return ""; } } the config class package; @configuration @enableaspectjautoproxy @componentscan(basepackages = {"",""}) public

javascript - nodejs error on es6 class constructor with default parameter value -

i run simple es6 class code following: 'use strict'; class polygon { constructor(height=44, width=55) { //class constructor = 'polygon'; this.height = height; this.width = width; } sayname() { //class method console.log('hi, a', + '.'); } } class square extends polygon { constructor(length) { super(length, length); //call parent method super = 'square'; } area() { //calculated attribute getter return this.height * this.width; } } let s = new square(); s.sayname(); console.log(s.area); it running ok on chrome console. running errors on nodejs(4.x, 5.x) following: constructor(height=44, width=55) { //class constructor ^ syntaxerror: unexpected token = @ exports.runinthiscontext (vm.js:53:16) @ module._compile (module.js:387:25) @ object.module._extensions..js (module.js:422:10) @ module.load (module.js:357:32) @ function.m

java - Error in Importing Boolean variable -

i have 2 classes , 1 called adminmenu class variable votecycle boolean variable enables voter vote provided votecycle enabled , class called loginmenu utilize it. i'm doing school project. the problem have if select enable meant change boolean value true , i'm still getting false output.. if don't understand mean, code below should explain it. its basic programming. the class public class adminmenu extends javax.swing.jframe { public boolean votecycle; the method private void votecomboboxactionperformed(java.awt.event.actionevent evt) { if(vcycle.getselecteditem().tostring().equalsignorecase("true")) { votecycle=true; } else if(vcycle.getselecteditem().tostring().equalsignorecase("false")) { votecycle=false; } } this class use variable allow users log in. class called loginmenu(). @ start of class created object of class variable defined in using adminmenu adminmenu=new adminmenu(); datavalidation validate=new datavalidation();

c - Reversing/Debugging - Finding out when an exception handler was installed -

while reversing program (needless say: educational purpose only), debugger (ollydbg) cought program's exception (access violation). i threw exception program , program continued execution, starting address. what i'm trying find out when exception handler installed (aka __try{}__except{} blocks in assembly) can not find cross-references address program continued execution from. i managed find address while runtime debugging finding correct exception_registration structure on stack want find method identify address statically , not @ runtime. help appreciated. --edit--: let me clarify, trying find the __try { do_error(); } __except(exception_execute_handler) { do_stuff(); return...; } block in assembly

javascript - Sending Message to a iFrame using postMessage from parent? -

is there way send postmessage iframe parent window? know how can send iframe parent, need send response message after parent receives it. edit--------------- have following. parent window: function toframe(type, data) { $("iframe[data-atdl='schedule']").contentwindow.postmessage({ type: type, data: data }, "*"); } iframe: window.addeventlistener("message", fromparent, false); function fromparent(e) { var data =; var type =; sendparentdata("alert","action " + type + " :: " + data); } ~z

Android 6.0 = PERMISSION_NOT_GRANTED (Issue with CONTACTS and LOCATION permission) -

i have issue android 6.0 = permission_not_granted p.s. found problem contacts , location permission, know how fix it? i can data json , can't send information database because of permission_not_granted exception. public class dvlaresult extends appcompatactivity implements activitycompat.onrequestpermissionsresultcallback{ private progressdialog progress; gpstracker gps; requestqueue requestqueue; string inserturl = ""; double latituded; double longituded; string postcode; private dvlainformation dvlainfo = null; //dvla plate number string dvlaplatenumber; /** * attention: auto-generated implement app indexing api. * see more information. */ private googleapiclient client; @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(

zend framework2 - Factory not getting constructed service manager class -

here service configuration: public function getserviceconfig() { return array( 'factories' => array( 'squiddle\designpackage' => function($sm){ $designpkg = new designpackage($sm); return $designpkg; } ) ); } it's being used within function gets triggered on dispatch event. here it's usage: $e->getapplication()->getservicemanager()->get('squiddle\designpackage'); my error designpackage being constructed null instead of service manager. not sure whats wrong here; it problem in designpackage constructor

python - PySide Signal with Argument -

qgroupbox has signal clicked has optional checked parameter. suppose i'm trying connect slot inside of class so: box.clicked.connect(self.func) , declaration of slot must def func(self, checked) , func being called 1 argument. how desired behaviour of func being called both self , optional checked arguments? the behaviour of signals optional default parameters differs between pyqt , pyside. in pyqt, default parameter always sent, in pyside have explicitly request it: box.clicked[bool].connect(self.func) this better design choice, say, pyqt behaviour can lead bugs if forget default value sent though didn't ask it. case of explicit being better implicit...

c - Accessing pointers in a pointer to a union -

so have structure containing union follows: struct fill{ char *name; int id; }; struct test{ union{ struct fill *fill; int type; } *uni; }; i don't understand how access union members within structure. i've been trying follows: struct test *test_struct, *test_int; test_struct = malloc(sizeof(struct test)); test_struct->uni = malloc(sizeof(struct test)); test_struct->uni->fill->name = null; test->struct->uni->fill->id = 5; test_int = malloc(sizeof(int)); test_int->uni->type = 10; but segfaults when try this. accessing these wrong? how should otherwise? edit: sorry focusing on formatting , screwed declaration test. been fixed. each of pointer members of struct must initialized, either allocate dynamic storage malloc , or assign other variables. here problems of code: struct test *test_struct, *test_int; test_struct = malloc(sizeof(struct test)); test_struct->uni = malloc(sizeof(struct test)); // uni sho

Calling Uber API from Rails: {"error": "invalid_client"} -

been @ day. using rails call uber api , failing access token. grabbing authorization code works, exchanging access token not. i've tried , without oauth 2.0 gem , made sure keys accurate. tried on 2 separate uber accounts, too. combinations give same error: {"error": "invalid_client"} . i'll post non-oauth code below. params[:code] auth code returned uber. uri = uri.parse('') https =, uri.port) https.use_ssl = true headers = { # authentication content-type not json # 'content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'authorization' => 'token ' + @server_token } request =, headers) request.set_form_data({ 'client_id' => @client_id, 'client_secret' => @client_secret, 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code', 'code' => params[:cod

jquery - SVG dashed line animation -

i svg line animation codepen. have 3 line animation. 2 dashed line animation , 1 solid line animation. want solid line animation stroke. tried make stroke solid dashed, not getting animation. dashed line animation visible, solid line animation visible stroke on move of circle. "" the standard "simulate drawing of line" animation trick uses dash patterns work. can't use drawing dashed line. about best can do, workaround, cover dashed line solid line same colour background. animate "undrawing" of solid line on top reveal dashed line below.

How to add data to an existing .txt file in android -

i developing application reads data coming accelerometer , want save them in .txt file, can later process them. so far have been able readings , save 1 reading, understand create new file overwrites existing file. want have measurements moment push start button, until push stop button. here code i'm using: public class mainactivity extends appcompatactivity implements sensoreventlistener, view.onclicklistener { private sensormanager msensormanager; private sensor maccelerometer; private button bstart, bstop; float[] acceleration = new float[3]; private string mstring; myfile file = new myfile(this); @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main); bstart = (button)findviewbyid(; bstop = (button)findviewbyid(; msensormanager=(sensormanager)getsystemservice(sensor_service); maccelerometer = msensormanager.getdefaultsensor(sensor.type_

c++ - What is an undefined reference/unresolved external symbol error and how do I fix it? -

what undefined reference/unresolved external symbol errors? common causes , how fix/prevent them? feel free edit/add own. compiling c++ program takes place in several steps, specified 2.2 (credits keith thompson reference) : the precedence among syntax rules of translation specified following phases [see footnote] . physical source file characters mapped, in implementation-defined manner, basic source character set (introducing new-line characters end-of-line indicators) if necessary. [snip] each instance of backslash character (\) followed new-line character deleted, splicing physical source lines form logical source lines. [snip] the source file decomposed preprocessing tokens (2.5) , sequences of white-space characters (including comments). [snip] preprocessing directives executed, macro invocations expanded, , _pragma unary operator expressions executed. [snip] each source character set member in character literal or string literal, e

awk - Use bash to cluster based on one column of a line -

the input below a 20 240 15 150 b 65 210 b 80 300 c 90 400 c 34 320 for each category (labelled a,b, 1st column), i'd find minimum maximum numbers (as biggest range). expect see: a 15 240 b 65 300 c 34 400 so how using bash? using awk: awk ' !($1 in min) { min[$1] = $2; max[$1] = $3; next } { min[$1] = ( $2 < min[$1] ? $2 : min[$1] ) max[$1] = ( $3 > max[$1] ? $3 : max[$1] ) } end { for(x in min) print x, min[x], max[x] }' file 15 240 b 65 300 c 34 400 we iterate each line , assign min , max values map has first column key. in end block iterate hash , print out key , values both maps.

Type of constant expressions in Java -

this question has answer here: is there default type numbers in java 2 answers why bar int i signature called? public class test { public static void main(string[] args) { bar(5); // type of integer "5"? } public static void bar(short i) { system.out.println("short"); } public static void bar(int i) { system.out.println("int"); } public static void bar(long i) { system.out.println("long"); } } i've checked oracle's documents 15.12. method invocation expressions , 15.28. constant expressions , while still have no idea. could explain type of constants expression ? type of "5" above? thanks! in java, when write plain literal integer, assumed of type int , unless specify otherwise casting type, or adding postfix l long , f float . example: long

Remove PHPGrid default message -

i using free version of php grid - lite. have integrated , tool shows reports required. the problem shows default text "you using phpgrid lite. please consider upgrading phpgrid full version have great features including edit, master detail, , grouping, composite key, file upload, , premium themes!" is there way can disable ? have attached sample image of it. report view thank you. the div holds text belongs class named 'pg_notify' therefore writing css class follows remove (make invisible) text. .pg_notify{ display: none; } or use php change css of div containing text want remove. <?php echo '<style type = "text/css"> .pg_notify{ display: none; } </style>'; ?>

Assign Json to php Variables -

i want make json details dynamic.currently example want declare few php variables these json. here code $body = '{ "outboundsmsmessagerequest": { "address": [ "tel:+9456654978" ], "senderaddress": "tel:+95623654978", "outboundsmstextmessage": { "message": "welcome fgf confirmation code - " }, "clientcorrelator": "", "receiptrequest": { "notifyurl": "", "callbackdata": "" }, "sendername": "" } }'; as in here can see json has declared $body.what want make separate variables such $message,$address, $senderaddress , assign them $body. how can this? initial json: $body = '{ "outboundsmsmessagerequest": { "address": [ "tel:+9456654978" ], "s

python - Sending mail via smtplib loses time -

i want send status mail once day using cron job using smtplib. sending of mail works well, sending time , date seems time , date when read mail, not when mail sent. may 6 hours later. i have not found hints on providing sending time smtplib, message data. missing or problem mail server configuration? however, other mails handed in via thunderbird not show effect account. my python program (with login data removed) listed below: import smtplib sender = '' receivers = [''] message = """from: sender <> to: receiver<> subject: testmail hello world. """ try: smtpobj = smtplib.smtp('') smtpobj.sendmail(sender, receivers, message) print "successfully sent email" except smtpexception: print "error: unable send email" [edit] code using email package suggested, still time shown in inbox reading tim

MySQL Summary in new column -

i have 2 tables consist set of data below , want result in result have calculation in field balance : i stuck on balance field, how balance running? tblin in_date | code | in_qty -----------|---------|--------- 2016-04-01 | aaa | 100 2016-04-02 | aaa | 100 2016-04-03 | aaa | 200 2016-04-06 | aaa | 400 tblout out_date | code | out_qty -----------|---------|--------- 2016-04-02 | aaa | 100 2016-04-08 | aaa | 400 result date | code | in_qty | out_qty | balance -----------|---------|----------|----------|--------- 2016-04-01 | aaa | 100 | 0 | 100 2016-04-02 | aaa | 100 | 0 | 200 2016-04-02 | aaa | 0 | 100 | 100 2016-04-03 | aaa | 200 | 0 | 300 2016-04-06 | aaa | 400 | 0 | 700 2016-04-08 | aaa | 0 | 400 | 300 query (thanks @1000111) select t.*, @prevbalance := (t.in_qty - t.out_qty) + ifnull(@prevbalance,0) balance (

angularjs - Can't wrap directives angular 1.4.1 -

i'm trying wrap form creation in order put logic before running other directives, ui.mask , ui.bootstrap. haven't been able perform these other directives. html got transformed, not linked. <div class="form-group" ng-repeat="field in headers.fields | filter: {editable: true}"> <label for="{{}}" class="col-sm-4 control-label">{{field.label}}</label> <div class="col-sm-7"> <input ng-show="field.autocomplete === false" type="text" fw-input id="{{}}" ng-model="data[]" class="form-control" /> </div> </div> here how directive looks like: fwinput.$inject = ['viacep', '$timeout', '$compile']; function fwinput (viacep, $timeout, $compile) { return { restrict: 'a', //terminal: true, // repl

ios - How to Apply KVO to @dynamic properties created on runtime? -

i'm doing best explain how works, it's pretty confusing , lengthy. let me know if there's can clarify. i stucked in kvc , kvo concepts. have entry class (nsobject). entry class has private variable objectproperties (nsdictionary) who's value comes server. suppose objectproperties has key "price", "discount", etc want create dynamic properties in entry class's instance. these key may vary according response , dynamic variables. now when user want use kvo on same properties not accessible. for creating dynamic properties , it's getter/setter: -(nsstring*)propname:(nsstring*)name { name = [name stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@":" withstring:@""]; nsrange r; r.length = name.length -1 ; r.location = 1; nsstring* firstchar = [name stringbyreplacingcharactersinrange:r withstring:@""]; if([firstchar isequaltostring:[firstchar lowercasestring]]) {return name;} r.le

java - FFMPEG overlay transparent background -

i new integrating ffmpeg android , able achieve creating video static images problem overlay of 2nd video showing black background. credit:[ ffmpegcontroller ] this code ffmpeg -y, -i, mov.mp4, -filter_complex, [1]scale=iw+200:ih+200 [pip]; [0][pip] overlay=main_w-overlay_w-100:main_h-overlay_h-200, -i, ffmpeg , -vf, zoompan=d=25+'50*eq(in,3)'+'100*eq(in,5)', -strict, -2, -vcodec, mpeg4, -t, 6, -c:v, libx264, -pix_fmt, yuv420p,mov2.mp4 need transparent background 1st video visible clearly...thanks in advance.

java - Simple Work Flow (SWF) Workflow with Spring without xml -

currently working on spring annotation based dependency injection activity worker , workflow worker per documentation .i have defined beans inside spring boot application. each worker defined in separate maven module. issue facing when while running activityworker spring boot module stays active , start looking activities workflow worker stops after starting module message ' unregistering jmx-exposed beans on shutdown my implementation following: @activities(version = "2.2") @activityregistrationoptions(defaulttaskscheduletostarttimeoutseconds = 300, defaulttaskstarttoclosetimeoutseconds = 100) public interface tempactivities { public greetwrapper getname(); public void say(string what); /* public integer doprocess(); public int sum(integer num);*/ } public class tempactivitiesimpl implements tempactivities { greetwrapper greetobj = new greetwrapper(); public tempactivitiesimpl() { // todo auto-generated constructor stub

ios - index 2 beyond bounds exception while trying to fetch record from core data -

i have segmentedcontrol button , table view below segmentedcontrol. in viewdidload method, im fetching values core data , populating array follows, nserror *error = nil; apirequest *apirequest = [[apirequest alloc]init]; [apirequest showpendingdata]; nsmanagedobjectcontext *managedobjectcontext = [self managedobjectcontext]; nsfetchrequest *fetchrequest = [nsfetchrequest fetchrequestwithentityname:@"pendingshipmentdetails"]; self.devices = [[managedobjectcontext executefetchrequest:fetchrequest error:nil] mutablecopy]; nsentitydescription *entity = [nsentitydescription entityforname:@"pendingshipmentdetails" inmanagedobjectcontext:managedobjectcontext]; [fetchrequest setentity:entity]; nsarray *fetchedobjects = [managedobjectcontext executefetchrequest:fetchrequest error:&error]; shipmentreferencenumberarray = [[nsmutablearray alloc]init]; (nsmanagedobjectcontext * info in fetchedobjects) {

javascript - Give all child elements classes -

im trying give child elements class per group. each groups children have same class each group, , each element should have different class. this got far: var $span = $("tr.keep td"); $span.attr('id', function (index) { return 'td' + index; }); the problem have multiple groups of same parent - script runs trough of them instead repeating class each group. how ad .each on script, or better way? html: <tr class="keep"> <tr class="test"> <td rowspan="2"><a href="/"><img src="/" alt=""></a></td> <td colspan="3"><a href="/">text</a></td> </tr> <tr class="test"> <td>mf216n/a</td> <td>apple</td> <td class="outofstock">0</td> <td>1&nbsp;054,24sek</td> <td><input type="button&

signalr - OnDisconnect and Logged on Users after recycle? -

i've read ondisconnect ( server side ) , can bypassed ( application recycle etc). the ondisconnected method doesn't called in scenarios, such when server goes down or app domain gets recycled. and ask : when user connects , generate him token , keep in user cookie , , when onconnect called , attach connectionid token. (the same way ondiconnect called , set value in datedisconnected ) this supports 2 connected users ( same browser) example : example : id tokenid connectionid datecreated datedisconnected ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 500 {1234-1234} 06-07-2013 null 2 500 {5432-5432} 06-07-2013 null and here problem : what happen if user has logged in (so write user in db logged in) , chat , , server restarte

php - How can I restrict user to only created limited numbers of objects -

<?php class book { var $name; function setname($name){ $this->name = $name; } function getname(){ return $this->name ; } } $objectfirst = new book; $objectfirst->setname('english'); echo $objectfirst->getname(); $objectsecond = new book; $objectsecond->setname('science'); echo $objectsecond->getname(); ?> how can restrict user created limited numbers of objects. above example if create 1 more object throw error. add static counter variable class, add constructor , destructor increase , decrease it. check value in constructor: <?php class book { var $name; private static $counter=0; function __construct() { self::$counter++; if(self::$counter > 2) throw new exception('limit exceeded'); } function __destruct() { self::$counter--; } function setname($name){ $this->name = $name; } function getname(){ return

sql server - Subquery returned more than 1 value. SQL error -

this error has it. dont know do. please me. subquery returned more 1 value. not permitted when subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when subquery used expression. update kho /*set kho.xuat = sum(*/ set kho.xuat = (select sum( sluong phieuxuat group phieuxuat.mavt) kho inner join phieuxuat on (kho.mavt = phieuxuat.mavt) this means subquery returned more 1 row not allowed. can write update statement as: update k set k.xuat = (select sum( phieuxuat p p.mavt = k.mavt) kho k note added where clause inside subquery. removed join prevent multiple updates on same row.

python - IV must be 16 bytes long error in AES encryption -

i using pycrypto module aes encryption. , using documentation have write down below function al;ways gives error iv must 16 bytes long using 16 byte long iv. def aes_encrypt(plaintext): """ """ key = **my key comes here** iv = binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(16)) # used without binascii.hexlify) aes_mode = aes.mode_cbc obj =, aes_mode, iv) ciphertext = obj.encrypt(plaintext) return ciphertext use this: from crypto.cipher import aes import binascii,os def aes_encrypt(plaintext): key = "00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff" iv = os.urandom(16) aes_mode = aes.mode_cbc obj =, aes_mode, iv) ciphertext = obj.encrypt(plaintext) return ciphertext works below: >>> aes_encrypt("testtesttesttest") 'r_\x18\xaa\xac\x9c\xdb\x18n\xc1\xa4\x98\xa6sm\xd3' >>> that's difference: >>> iv = binascii.hexlify(os.urand

c# - Got System.InvalidOperationException: Method failed with unexpected error code 64 -

i working on getting folder's permission before access in c# console application , path of folder local of ftp.same working on machine when deploy @ production server start throwing error system.invalidoperationexception: method failed unexpected error code 64 . the exact error receive code system.invalidoperationexception: method failed unexpected error code 64. @ resourcetype, boolean iscontainer, string name, safehandle handle, accesscontrolsections includesections, boolean createbyname, exceptionfromerrorcode exceptionfromerrorcode, object exceptioncontext) @ iscontainer, string name, accesscontrolsections includesections, boolean isdirectory) @ name, accesscontrolsections includesections) @ uploaddata.foldermanager.isconfiguredfolderaccessible(string path, folder fol

esb - Error while calling secured webservice from Mule Project -

need call secured web service 1 of mule project.for have created self signed certificate , configured projects follows: 1)keep keystore.jks inside resource folder of project 2)defined https connector in globals.xml file <https:connector name="movilcashhttpsconnector" doc:name="http-https" clientsotimeout="10000" cookiespec="netscape" receivebacklog="0" receivebuffersize="0" sendbuffersize="0" serversotimeout="10000" socketsolinger="0" validateconnections="true"> <https:tls-key-store path="keystore.jks" keypassword="changeit" storepassword="changeit" /> <https:tls-server path="keystore.jks" storepassword="changeit" /> </https:connector> 3) while calling https endpoint have used following configuration <https:outbound-endpoint method="post" doc:name="http"