c++ - No output displayed when a pointer is defined; -

#include <iostream> using namespace std;  int main() {     int val = 8;     int *point = &val;     cout << val << *point << endl; } 

i wrote straightforward program print out value of variable first using variable name using pointer variable. unknown reason though, no output printed console.

however, if run same code line line in debugger, expected output (88).

since problem specific me, i'll add i'm using eclipse kepler mingw compiler on 64 bit system. on how can solve problem , pointers function highly appreicated.

i found answer here

and since code , debugger correct - post recommends do:

[1] uninstall - removed traces of eclipse (64-bit). - removed traces of mingw (and/or cygwin). - removed traces of java (sdk , jre).  [2] restart pc  [3] install - installed latest java jdk (includes jre) 32-bit. - installed eclipse ide (java edition) 32-bit. - installed mingw (with msys). - installed necessary cdt tools within eclipse. 

however, avid xcode/jetbrains user recommend check settings first because funnest debug.


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