Rearrange a cell with multiple values alphabetically [Excel] -

i have excel file have cell multiple values, split comma. instance: new york, chicago, los angeles. want rearrange cell in alphatical order, like: chicago, los angeles, new york. there easy way this?

try this. following code read values in column a , give desired result in column b.

sub sortstring()     dim myarray variant, varswap variant     dim long, min long, max long, lastrow long     dim str string     dim myrange range     dim isswapped boolean      lastrow = cells(rows.count, "a").end(xlup).row      set myrange = range("a1:a" & lastrow)     each cell in myrange         myarray = split(cell.value, ",")          min = lbound(myarray)         max = ubound(myarray) - 1                     isswapped = false             = min max                 if myarray(i) > myarray(i + 1)                     varswap = myarray(i)                     myarray(i) = myarray(i + 1)                     myarray(i + 1) = varswap                     isswapped = true                 end if             next             max = max - 1         loop until not isswapped          = lbound(myarray) ubound(myarray)             debug.print myarray(i)             if str = ""                 str = trim(myarray(i))             else                 str = str & ", " & trim(myarray(i))             end if         next         cell.offset(0, 1).value = str         str = ""     next cell end sub 


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